Popular Cruise Destinations
These days, you can cruise virtually anywhere in the world, but there are some destinations that are simply staple destinations for cruisers. Here, our Newark Airport parking company shares the most popular places and the best time of year to visit them:
• The Bahamas
The water in the Bahamas tends to be chilly during winter months, and hurricane season is from late August through September, so we suggest going in May or early June to enjoy the most sunshine and the beautiful, warm waters. You can even take our Newark Airport parking company’s advice and book a cruise during mid- or late-April to avoid some of the peak season crowds.
• Alaska
Because of the temperatures, Alaskan cruise season is a relatively short one: cruises are available mid-May through mid-September. Unfortunately, this means you’ll likely run into some crowds during this time, but if you want to avoid the most crowds, book a cruise in July or August (when there are warmer temperatures, but more rainfall) or early May or late September (which are drier months, but have chillier temperatures).
• The Caribbean
The great thing about the Caribbean is that temperatures tend to stay warm all year long. This means you can enjoy a cruise virtually anytime you’d like. The best deals tend to be in early December as well as August through September (but keep in mind the latter two months tend to see more rainfall). April is also a great time to go – just try to plan your vacation around peak Spring Break time.
• Bermuda
Bermuda temperatures are hottest in June, July, and August, and this is when cruise itineraries are in full swing. If you’re looking for a good deal and fewer crowds, book your trip for November or April, at the beginning or end of the cruise season. You’ll still enjoy great temperatures and all that a Bermuda cruise has to offer. (Try to avoid October, as this month is the wettest.)
• Hawaii
The climate in Hawaii is either dry or wet. The dry season occurs from April to October, where temperatures range from the mid-70s to the mid-80s. This is a great time to visit, but also the most popular time. The wet season occurs from November to March, where the weather stays warm, but the islands see about 4 inches of rainfall each month. Our Newark Airport parking company’s advice is to book a cruise between September and mid-December.
• The Mediterranean
Many travelers take a Mediterranean cruise in May, June, July, or August, when the temperatures are warm and there is little rainfall. If you want to avoid the crowds, however, we suggest going in March, April, September, or October. The weather will be a little milder, but still beautiful enough to enjoy the outdoors – and you’ll avoid all of the crowds.
• Mexico
Mexico’s dry season is November through April, which is when many people book their cruise. In fact, many Americans like to skip Christmas or New Year’s in the states and spend the holiday in Mexico instead. For a great deal and beautiful weather, try booking a cruise in May or October. You can still book a cruise during the low season (like June, July, August, or September), but temperatures tend to get pretty hot.
Where will you go on your next cruise? Wherever it is, make your Newark Airport parking reservation with Pink Elephant to enjoy easy, affordable parking.